Stephen Freskos swears the Thunder Dome Rats are real! After the San Francisco’s PG&E power plant’s nuclear blast back in 1950, Stephen has finally decided to come forward after 49 years of denying seeing anything. He says he is in fact the very man who is the Thunder Dome Rat creator. “I created those monsters; I was the one who was spray painting those signs near the energy vaults! It’s my fault! IT WAS ME, IT WAS MEEE!!!!” Says Stephen as he weeps. The rumors are in fact true. Just recently, California’s high tech scientist, Scott Haefner, has dared to enter on his own free-will into the power plant ALONE. He has made it out alive, but doctors are still observing his every move. No one knows for sure what he really saw and if he is just hallucinating like all the others. When Scott came out of the building, he was panting, he was raving, he was scared out of his mind! “They’re real! I saw them! They’re real! They were, they were….every where!!!” Says Scott as he rocks back in-forth in the fetal position in the corner of the San FranciscoMental hospital. According to Scott, these Thunder Dome rats are no ghosts, they are mutated rats. Scott claims they crawled on the walls, ceilings, and the floors. “Paint,” he says, “They paint everywhere! Everywhere I turn, there’s paint! Spray paint! The colors change by their moods. When I get near them, they get angry and spray red paint! There’re so many colors, so many unknown beautiful paintings EVERYWHERE! THEY’RE EVERYWHERE!!!” So far, these rats have not harmed him in anyway. No scratches or any bruises were found on Scott from the rats. The only scratches and bruises were from him when he was scrambling to get out of the building alive. To our knowledge, these mutated creatures are not harmful to humans. They feed off the flesh of their own dead to regain more energy and more paint to continue their life as a Thunder Dome Rat. Stephen Freskos will be attending court this Friday for the cause of the San Francisco’s PG&E power plant’s nuclear blast of 1950. The trial will be devastating to those who have loved-ones who once worked in the power plant and became mentally insane all because of the carelessness of one young man.
I started out with the left side of a Panasonic head phone being that it had a body of a rat.
Then I added several types of wires to the top of it to create jumbled hair.
I then proceeded to to take the bottom of the head phone apart and screwed in the LED light fixture (with the help of Stephen Freskos) to the inside.
After, I used black electric tape to hold the foam ear piece to the bottom of the headphone. Doing that hid all the wires and gave me my final Thunder Dome Rat.
This device I built uses a miniphotocell (aka LDR...light-dependent resistor) to sense changes in the level of ambient light. The transistor is then turned on or off by the photocell. In bright light the photocell's resistance is low, so the transistor turns off, which turns the LED off. In low light, the photocell's high level of resistance switches the transistor on and the LEDs glow.