Thursday, May 21, 2009
News Report....Kidnapping a monster!
FINAL: Globe Magazine...the process
Monday, May 4, 2009
My magazine work...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
…they are REAL…
Stephen Freskos swears the Thunder Dome Rats are real! After the
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Making of the Thunder Dome Rat

Then I added several types of wires to the top of it to create jumbled hair.

I then proceeded to to take the bottom of the head phone apart and screwed in the LED light fixture (with the help of Stephen Freskos) to the inside.

After, I used black electric tape to hold the foam ear piece to the bottom of the headphone. Doing that hid all the wires and gave me my final Thunder Dome Rat.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
In the Making...
The Thunder Dome Rat in the making....
This device I built uses a miniphotocell (aka LDR...light-dependent resistor) to sense changes in the level of ambient light. The transistor is then turned on or off by the photocell. In bright light the photocell's resistance is low, so the transistor turns off, which turns the LED off. In low light, the photocell's high level of resistance switches the transistor on and the LEDs glow.

Monday, March 30, 2009
ART74: Network Creature
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property. Graffiti is sometimes regarded as a form of art and other times regarded as unsightly damage or unwanted."
Power station
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"At the center of nearly all power stations is a generator, a rotating machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by creating relative motion between a magnetic field and a conductor. The energy source harnessed to turn the generator varies widely. It depends chiefly on which fuels are easily available and on the types of technology that the power company has access to."
(The Story)
Among the city buildings of Instead it made everyone in the building go mentally insane. They all began to hallucinate and the entire building was immediately evacuated. During the evacuation, rats were exposed to the nuclear power and were transformed into an unknown life form. Before any of these newly born creatures we able to travel to the surface of the building, the entire building was boarded up and there was no escape. Those that saw these creatures during the evacuation believe that they are ghosts or beasts from hell. Till this very day these rats were given a name called the Thunder Dome Rats. They wonder the floors, ceilings, and walls of the forgotten building. They thrive on their new ability to paint. But not just any paint, they spray painted on the floors, walls, and ceilings of the building with their bodies. Once they run out of paint, their bodies wither and disintegrate while other rats feast on their flesh to regain more energy and more paint to continue their life as a Thunder Dome Rat.
(Photo by Stephen Freskos)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Currently working on...
currently working on...
For this particular class, we are instructed to develop a self determined body of work over the course of the semester. At the end of the semester I will then exhibit my work in a gallery. So far my idea is rather complicated and I'm still playing around with different ideas. My original plan is to create a photo (somewhat like the ones below) that gives off an old effect by displying it through a 100 year old glass window. I have the window and it incredibly dirty and very old...wood frame is chipping, paint is peeling, etc. Really, any photo can have an old effect using this window as a frame, BUT the trouble I am haveing is not being happy ENOUGH with the example photo i have taken already (below). Those photos are what I'm leaning towards, but I'm not sure it's what i want to do.Right now I am playing around with different ideas of having my little sister in multiple shots. I used photoshop and lightroom to get these results.
First I started out setting my tripod in the perfect spot and not touching it throughout the entire photoshoot. Then i continuously took photos of my sister using a clicker so i would have the same background. Throughout the shoot I had her change clothes to give the outcome a more interesting look.

After I picked out which photos I was going to use, I went into lightroom and did my best to give each photo the same shade and perfect contrast. Then I used photoshop to bring each photoin as one using the wand. Because the clouds didnt match up in each photo, I used the wand around my sister and placed her in the correct spot by zooming in the photo and placing her perfectly.

Once I felt I was done, I opened the photo back into photoshop and messed around with the lighting and came up with the photo below.

This isn't my final project, but it is along the lines of what I plan on doing...we'll see.
Art74: 1st Project
By Wolfgang Staehle

ZKM, where they were projected on a gallery wall.
film in which the camera focuses on the Empire State Building from dusk until dawn.
of action and camera movement, to the structure of the tower itself, to the effects of light on the building and
in the sky, and to the act of viewing itself.
Concerning the News
By Yuri Kageyama

YouTube Fascination

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Boogie Bot
I just finished a short video project with my other group members, Emily and Chen. The project video is called “Adventures of the Boogie Bot”. It can be found on YouTube at . We were to create a film about technology with a mind of its own in strange paranormal occurrences. So the three of us decided to work with Emily’s wined-up cowboy robot that danced. We started off creating a story board about the robot on a journey through SJSU campus dancing for people and squirrels. We realized that it might be a little hard to get the robot to dance in front of a squirrel without it running away or snatching the robot with its teeth. So we decided to have the robot just dance for people. We messed around with the idea and finally decided that the robot needed a purpose for dancing in front of other students. Finally we came up with the idea of “Spreading cheer, not fear. The adventures of the Boogie Bot.” If you look at the story board, you can see that it follows exactly the way the video is performed. Using imovie tutorials in editing the movie was very helpful. This was definitely my first time using the program and rather complicated at first. The only changes to our film would be the quality of the camera. The video’s picture quality wasn’t as great as I hoped it would be. But I definitely wouldn’t make any changes to the film because I personally like the way it came out.
Our Story Board: